Saturday, January 31, 2009

Meet Mao Asada

This is perhaps my favorite Mao Asada montage - I think it captures her happy, sweet, guileless disposition and her beaming smile:

maomao - montage
(click on the button on the far right and select 'HQ' for the high-quality vid)

Fuyu no Ohimesama

I got this idea from a thread on 2channel that called Mao Asada "haru no ohimesama," meaning "Princess of Spring"--but the more I thought about it, I decided that I really want Mao to be princess of the Winter Olympics, and skating really is a winter sport, so I changed it to "Princess of Winter."

On this blog, I intend to post all my random rambling on skating, which is perhaps too opinionated and biased and un-PC to go on the forums without invoking the wrath of the ubers.